Columbia University "GIS 3.0: Geospatial Intelligence, Social Data, and the Future of Public Health Preparedness and Response."@Mitsuru Fukuda.

The National Center for Disaster Preparedness, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University.
Conference: GIS 3.0: Geospatial Intelligence, Social Data, and the Future of Public Health Preparedness and Response.

Date: November 16, 2009 from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm EST
Location: Low Library Rotunda, Columbia University.
535 West 116th Street
New York, NY 10027

GIS 1.0 may be characterized as the development of the technological backbone for mapping.
GIS 2.0 incorporates user interactions directly into these mapping platforms.
This conference will explore GIS 3.0, in which a great range of social and geographic data
can be employed in novel ways.
Public health agencies make decisions that have far reaching consequences, and geography affects
these decisions on a daily basis. Geographic information systems (GIS) are powerful digital tools
that can enable staff to visualize spatial information in new ways, so that they can become better
problem solvers, particularly in the areas of disaster preparedness and response.
Sessions will focus on (1) the emerging uses of geospatial intelligence and social data (2)
frontiers of public health GIS practice with technologies being used or developed for public health
preparedness and response, and (3) a capstone session which ties together these conceptual and technical
themes. This one-day conference will be held at Columbia University's historic Low Library Rotunda.
Registration is free. This conference is supported by the CDC's Center for Public Health Preparedness
grant to Columbia University's National Center for Disaster Preparedness.

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GIS 3.0 conference in Low Library. Professor Irwin Redlener.
Mr. Eric Rasmussen is a CEO of InSTEDD. Professor Tony Jebara.
Mr. Steven Johnson is a famous writer. Mr. Chris Goranson of NYC.
NYC Report. Low Library of Columbia University.

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