CUNY Center on Terrorism, John Jay College,"911 Seminer"iSeptember,2009j@Mitsuru Fukuda, Columbia University.

September 11, 2009. 15:00 - 17:00
Center on Terrorism, John Jay College, CUNY. (Room 630, John Jay College, 899Tenth Avenue)
Professor Michael Museno,
a Professor of Criminal Justice Studies at San FranciscoState University

"After 9/11: Citizens Bearing the Burden ofthe Wars on Terrorism."
new book, "Deployed: How Reservists Bear the Burden of Iraq."

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Professor Charles B. Strozier, Director, Center on Terrorism Professor Michael Museno
Professor Strozier and Fukuda. Remembering September 11.
Floor of Educating for Justice in John Jay College, CUNY. John Jay College, CUNY.

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