Mitsuru Fukuda Profile. (Nihon University, College of Risk Management)

Mitsuru Fukuda at Columbia University. Mitsuru Fukuda at SIWPS(Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies)

* Columbia University, Visiting Scholar (2008.4.10 - 2010)
SIPA (School of International Public Affairs)
SIWPS (Arnold Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies)

420 West 118th Street
13th Floor,
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A Professor of Nihon University, College of Risk Management

3-34-1 Shimouma, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 154-8513

* mail

* Born: August 13, 1969 (age 41)
Nishinomiya-city, Hyogo, Japan

* Educational Background?F
4/1988 - 3/1992 Faculty of Humanities, Department of Journalism, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan
4/1992 - 3/1995 MA Course in Graduate School of Sociology, The University of Tokyo
(Master of Sociology), Tokyo, Japan
4/1995 - 3/1999 PhD Course in Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

* Academic Career?F
4/1999 - 9/2002 An Lecturer of College of Human Science of Tokiwa University, Ibaraki, Japan
10/2002 - 3/2005 An Lecturer of College of Law of Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan
4/2005 - present Associate Professor of College of Law of Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan
4/2003 - 3/2007 Lecturer of School of Political Science and Economics of Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan
4/2004 - 3/2006 Lecturer of Institute of Media and Communications Research Center of Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
4/2005 - present Lecturer of Faculty of Sociology of Toyo University, Tokyo, Japan
4/2005 - present Lecturer of College of Human Science of Tokiwa University, Ibaraki, Japan
4/2006 - present Lecturer of Graduate School of Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan
4/2008 - present Visiting Scholar of Columbia University, SIPA, New York, NY

* Other Career:
Member of Committee for "Counterterrorism in Japan" of Cabinet Secretariat, Government of Japan in 2005
Member of Committee for "Crisis Management and Protection in Terrorism" of Cabinet Secretariat, Government of Japan in 2007
Perticipation for International Visitor Leardership Program (IVLP) by U.S. Department of State in 2008
visited DHS, DOD, FEMA, NCTC, FBI, FCC, RAND, Washington Post, NY1, and so on.
visited in Washington D.C., New york, Oklahoma City, Sacrament, Sanfrancisco, and so on.

* Research Interests:
Terrorism and Media
Risk Management for Counterterrorism
Disaster Management
Mass Communication
Social Psychology for Mass Media Effect
Security Science of Police
Social Survey and Testing
Content Analysis of Media

* Professional Membership:
Japan Society for Studies in Journalism and Mass Communication
Japanese Society of Social Psychology
Japan Society for Socio-Information Studies
Japan Society for Disaster Information Studies
The Japan Society of Information and Communication Research
The Association for the Study of Security Science:
Member of Research Group for the issue on Terrorism and Security

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