SIWPS The Fourth Annual Saltzman Forum: "THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION FACES AFGHANISTAN"iApril,2009j@Mitsuru Fukuda, Columbia University.

Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Kraft Center
606 West 115th Street (between Broadway and Riverside Drive)
Grand Hall, Lower Level

Panel I: Afghanistan in Regional and Global Perspective

Steve Coll, New America Foundation and The New Yorker
Sumit Ganguly, Center on American and Global Security, Indiana University
Kimberly Marten, Chair, Department of Political Science, Barnard College
moderator: Tanisha Fazal, Department of Political Science, Columbia University

Panel II: Can the West 'Win' in Afghanistan?

Stephen Biddle, Council on Foreign Relations
Max Boot, Council on Foreign Relations
Richard K. Betts, SIWPS, Columbia University
Modreator: Jack Snyder, Department of Political Science, Columbia University

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Panel I: Afghanistan in Regional and Global Perspective. Prof.Kimberly Marten, Barnard College.
Prof.Sumit Ganguly, Indiana University. Panel II: Can the West 'Win' in Afghanistan?
Mr.Stephen Biddle, Council on Foreign Relations. Prof. Richard K. Betts, Director of SIWPS.
Prof.Rovert Jervis comment. TV cameras & Reporters.

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