SIWPS "American Grand Strategy in the New Era" Mitsuru Fukuda, Columbia University

The Inaugural Kenneth N. Waltz Lecture in International Relations

"A Farewell to Geopolitics: American Grand Strategy in the New Era"
with Dr. Stephen Van Evera, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The Arnold A. Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies presents:
Tuesday, October 14, 12:15-2:00 pm
Room 1501, 15th Floor
Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs
420 West 118th Street
New York City

Stephen Van Evera is the Ford International Professor of Political Science at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. He received his B.A. in government from Harvard and his Ph.D.
in political science from the University of California at Berkeley.
His research interests include the causes and prevention of war, U.S. foreign policy,
U.S. national security policy, and social science methods.
He is the author of Guide to Methods for Students of Political Science (Cornell, 1997),
Causes of War: Power and the Roots of Conflict (Cornell, 1999), as well as articles
on the causes of World War I, nationalism and the war problem, American intervention in the
Third World, American defense policy, and Europe's future international relations.
During the 1980s he was managing editor of the journal International Security.

Professor Richard K. Betts Professor Stephen Van Evera
talking about 911, Aum-shinrikyo. Professor Kenneth N. Waltz
Professor Kenneth Waltz Professor Robert Jervis

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